Nursing and Clinical Team
Practice Nurses
- Deborah White
- Amy Brewer
Our Practice nurses specialise in preventative medicine and run their own surgeries. They work alongside GP’s to monitor patients with long-term conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease and asthma, They offer health checks, medical checks on newly registered patients, cervical smear tests, immunisation for travel abroad, advice on family planning, diet, exercise and giving up smoking. They also run minor illness clinics.
Social Prescriber
- Nicky Ager
Nurse Associate
- Mandy Smith
Healthcare Assistants (HCAs)
- Morgan Ireson
- Mike Essery
Our paramedic, Mike works as part of our duty team, working closely with the duty doctor, and deals with on the day urgent problems.
Clinical Pharmacist
- Mandy Smith
Our clinical pharmacist, Bethan works within the clinical team to review medications and manage medication regimes for chronic health conditions. To arrange your medication review, please call our care co-ordinators on 01635 248251 option 1.